Enzo Banal
Enzo’s Current Vision and Goals for ASG:
Northwestern needs to reform its course registration system. The current process runs slowly, lacks essential features, and introduces needless randomness into an exercise that can directly affect the academic trajectory of our student body. I'm working with the Office of the Register to bring our class registration system into the 21st century — and bring much-needed clarity to our 8,000 undergraduate students. I am a politically-minded person who always keeps up with current events. I love FiveThirtyEight and following election coverage. In the increasingly limited number of months outside election season, I spend my free time going on walks, relaxing with friends, and listening to music. I particularly enjoy Eminem and Kendrick Lamar. I am also a big sports fan (go Chargers, Lakers, and Dodgers!)
Class Year: 2026
School/Student Group: WCAS
Major/Minor and/or Degree Pathway: Political Science; Communication Studies
ASG Positions: Finance Committee