ASG Structure

ASG is an organization of nearly 200 students, and it can be difficult to understand the differences between the cabinet, the senate, and the committees. Here is a quick overview of each component of ASG and how they interact with each other.

  • The cabinet can be thought of as the executive branch of ASG. The cabinet consists of the committee chairs, senate leadership, and the ASG President, VP, Executive Officer of Justice & Inclusion, and the Chief of Staff. While the President and VP are elected by the student body, the Chief of Staff, EOJI, and committee chairs must apply for their positions and are chosen by an internal selection committee.

  • The Senate is composed of approximately 20 student groups, 17 school senators, and the Speaker of the Senate and the Parliamentarian. School senators are elected at the beginning of each year, whereas student groups apply for a seat at the end of winter quarter. Senators write and pass legislation on campus issues, meet with high-level administrators who visit Senate to discuss prevalent campus concerns, and approve or overrule decisions made by the Finance Committee about student group funding.

  • ASG has 10 committees that work on a range of campus issues. Each committee is run by a chair or co-chairs and consists of 10-30 people. Committee recruitment happens in the early fall, and any student can join a committee (there are no cuts). Some committees work on one or two year-long projects while others have multiple short-term projects. Committee members are the driving force of each project and often have a chance to meet directly with administrators to advocate for the issues most important to them.